Dear Clients, Happy New Year and here we go for 2023 taxes! Ron and Rick continue to see clients in the office for tax preparation appointments, though we are very happy to offer the option of meeting via Zoom video conference or teleconference. You might even find it most efficient to mail, fax, or e-mail us your tax information, in lieu of having a scheduled appointment. We encourage you to make your appointment right away, even before you receive your tax documents. We have appointment availability the following times, starting on February 1st. Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. We take the noon hour off for lunch. If you call and get voicemail, please leave a few good dates and times and we’ll return your call with an appointment. You can also make an appointment via e-mail to Andrea (see below). For our SpaceX clients, please ask for Kevin Connors or e-mail him directly at [email protected]. You may notice that we have not included our annual tax organizer worksheets. Most of our clients don’t utilize them, so we’re saving a tree, as they say. You can download a PDF copy from our website (on the Tax Tools page), or contact Andrea to request a PDF via e-mail, or a hard copy via mail. If you like, we are also able to provide you with personalized worksheets based on your 2022 tax returns. Here are our e-mail addresses. For general office questions or appointment scheduling, please e-mail Andrea. Ron: [email protected] Rick Merrill: [email protected] Paul Perez: [email protected] Andrea Perez: [email protected] Here are the tax deadlines for this year (unless the dates are changed mid-season… again!): March 15: S Corps and Partnerships (September 15 if on extension) April 15: Personal Taxes, C Corps, Single Member LLCs October 15: Personal tax extension (only valid if you do not owe tax or have paid estimated tax liability) We look forward to hearing from you, Ron Perez & staff Comments are closed.
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